About Brazil in Chicago

In the bustling city of Chicago, nestled among a myriad of opportunities for cultural exploration and language acquisition, stands a beacon for those eager to delve into the vibrant world of Brazilian Portuguese: Brazil in Chicago. This language school offers more than just a traditional educational experience; it is an invitation to immerse oneself in the essence of Brazil without leaving the Windy City.

From the first interaction, Brazil in Chicago sets itself apart with its intercultural teaching approach. The school's philosophy is rooted in the belief that language learning is intrinsically tied to cultural understanding. This is reflected in their unique method, which artfully weaves together Brazilian culture and language through conversation-based classes. This method does not merely aim for linguistic competence but strives to equip learners with the cultural fluency necessary to navigate and appreciate the nuances of Brazilian society.

The offerings at Brazil in Chicago cater to a diverse range of learners, from complete beginners to advanced speakers looking to refine their skills. Group classes are thoughtfully structured into 10 progressive levels, providing a clear path for students to follow and milestones to achieve. This structured progression is particularly beneficial for learners who thrive on measurable goals and a sense of advancement in their journey. For those with a Spanish background, the school offers specially tailored classes that leverage the similarities between the two languages, an intelligent move that showcases the school's commitment to personalized learning experiences.

Private classes at Brazil in Chicago deserve special mention. Each session is meticulously customized to align with the student's personal and professional objectives. Whether for business purposes, social interaction, or simply a profound love for languages, the school's instructors are adept at crafting lessons to meet the individual goals and strengths of their students.

The adaptability of Brazil in Chicago is exemplified by their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They seamlessly shifted to offering quality online classes that maintain the integrity of their conversational method. This flexibility is not only a testament to the school's resilience but also to their dedication to student needs, ensuring that learning can continue regardless of external circumstances.

While Brazil in Chicago's method is decidedly modern and interactive, it is worth noting that prospective students should consider their learning preferences. Those who prefer a more traditional, textbook-driven approach may find the school's heavy emphasis on conversation and culture to be a departure from the norm. However, for those seeking to truly speak the language and understand its cultural context, this school is an excellent choice.

In the realm of translation, interpreting, and voice-over services, Brazil in Chicago demonstrates its versatility and professional acumen. These services underscore the institution's multifaceted capabilities and its standing as more than just a language school—it is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to engage with the Brazilian Portuguese language in varied contexts.

In conclusion, Brazil in Chicago is not just another option in the sea of language schools; it is a distinctive choice that promises a rich, immersive experience. The school's dedication to intercultural communication, its responsive and personalized learning plans, and its commitment to keeping the Brazilian flame alive in the hearts of Chicagoans make it a standout institution in the Portuguese Tutors industry. Whether you are starting your Portuguese journey or seeking to deepen your existing skills, Brazil in Chicago is poised to be your guide to the rhythm and soul of Brazil.

Products and Services

Brazil in Chicago offers an immersive learning experience by integrating Brazilian culture into their comprehensive Portuguese language programs, providing a range of tailored and structured classes suited for individuals, business professionals, and Spanish speakers seeking to achieve fluency and cultural proficiency.

Group Portuguese Classes

Structured classes divided into 10 levels, focusing on conversational skills with Brazilian culture and language integration.

Private Portuguese Classes

Tailored one-on-one sessions based on the student's individual goals and strengths, offering flexible scheduling.

Portuguese for Spanish Speakers

Specialized classes leveraging similarities between Spanish and Portuguese to facilitate learning, with a total of 5 levels.

Business Portuguese

Courses designed to provide useful vocabulary and communication strategies in professional business environments.


  • Incorporates Brazilian culture into language instruction for an authentic experience

  • Structured language program divided into levels for clear progression

  • Offers a variety of professional services including translation and interpreting

  • Has impacted over 1500 students with their teaching methods


  • Primarily based in Chicago, which could limit in-person access for students outside the area

Getting Started

When you sign up with Brazil in Chicago, you can expect to engage with their conversation-based method which is designed to help you speak from lesson one. The classes are offered both online and on-site and are organized into different levels to suit your proficiency. You can request a placement test to ensure you start at the appropriate level. Begin by visiting the Brazil in Chicago website to explore class options and sign up for the one that best fits your needs. Should you need to explore further, the rest of our rankings are available for comparison.