About Brazil Ahead

Brazil Ahead has carved out a niche for itself in the bustling Portuguese Tutors industry, presenting learners with a well-structured path to mastering Brazilian Portuguese. What sets Brazil Ahead apart is its clear focus on comprehensive study plans that cater to both beginners and advanced learners, with a special emphasis on preparing students for the Celpe-Bras certification, an internationally recognized proficiency certificate in Brazilian Portuguese.

For students looking for flexibility, Brazil Ahead offers a range of online classes that can suit various schedules and learning paces. The company's website lists detailed schedules for different courses, including Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Celpe-Bras Prep Course, which shows their commitment to providing structured learning experiences to a variety of students. Moreover, their offerings are not just limited to adults, as they also provide specialized tutoring sessions for kids, a testament to their inclusive approach to language education.

One of the unique aspects of Brazil Ahead is their cultural integration into language learning. They don't just teach the language in isolation but ensure that students get a taste of Brazilian culture, which is crucial for truly understanding and speaking the language with authenticity. This cultural aspect can be particularly engaging for students who learn better through context and storytelling, rather than rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar.

The professionalism and quality of Brazil Ahead are evident in their well-organized website, which provides potential students with all the information they need to get started. From detailed class schedules to contact information and office hours, prospective learners can easily navigate the site and find the course that best fits their needs.

While Brazil Ahead seems to have a robust online presence, what might be missing is a more personal touch in their online representation. Testimonials or stories of student success could enhance their appeal and provide that personal connection that students often look for when choosing a language school. It's one thing to list courses and schedules; it's another to show the transformative impact of these courses on real people.

In terms of customer decision-making, Brazil Ahead's offerings are substantial, but the market is competitive, with many providers vowing for attention. Brazil Ahead's dedication to the Celpe-Bras certification is a distinguishing feature that could sway students who have their sights set on this specific qualification. Their tailored kids' programs also offer a niche service that not all language tutors provide.

Overall, Brazil Ahead presents a compelling option for those looking to delve into the Portuguese language, backed by structured programs and a cultural immersion approach. While it stands out with its focus on certification and children's education, a warmer, more personalized approach could further elevate its standing in a crowded marketplace.

Products and Services

Brazil Ahead offers a diverse range of online Portuguese language learning opportunities, including conversational classes tailored for travelers and structured courses across various proficiency levels, all designed to enhance students' language skills through interactive, live sessions with flexible scheduling options.

Online Group Sessions Intermediate 2

Online group sessions for intermediate level students focusing on improving proficiency through structured classes held on Thursdays, 6 PM - 8 PM.

Basic Level for Travels - Online Conversation Group Sessions

Conversational Portuguese classes tailored for travelers, designed to improve communication skills, available on Tuesdays from 6:30 PM - 8 PM.

Intermediate 1 - Online Group Sessions

A course aimed at enhancing the language skills of intermediate learners through online group sessions, scheduled for Tuesdays from 8:15 PM - 9:45 PM.

Basic Level for Travels - Saturday Online Conversation Group Sessions

Weekend online Portuguese conversation classes for basic level students, focusing on travel vocabulary and phrases, held on Saturdays from 9 AM - 11 AM.


  • Offers Brazilian Portuguese classes for all proficiency levels

  • Children's language classes introduce Brazilian culture through interactive activities

  • Provides online classes and private tutoring for flexibility

  • Offers a Celpe-Bras prep course for internationally recognized certification


  • Tiered pricing system for multiple children may be confusing to navigate

Getting Started

At Brazil Ahead, once you sign up, you'll have access to various Portuguese language courses at different levels, including specialized courses like the Celpe-Bras Prep Course. They also offer classes designed for children. You can enroll in online group sessions or choose private tutoring. Start by visiting the Brazil Ahead website to view the online schedule and sign up for the course that fits your needs. If you're unsure, you can always compare with other services in our rankings.